Call for Abstracts

2nd Global Summit on Physics
September 26-27, 2019
Paris, France

Call for Abstracts:

Astronomy and astrophysics are the study of substance and phenomena that are found ahead of our solar system. This combines hypothetical simulations and surveillance with both terrestrial and space-craft-borne instruments of the electromagnetic radiation and high-energy particles emitted by outer space bodies.

·       astrometry
·       celestial mechanics
·       eclipses
·       ephemerides
·       occultation’s
·       parallaxes

Atomic and molecular physics it the study of the possessions, dynamics and interactions of the essential (but not fundamental) building blocks of substance. A vital constituent of this understands the performance of the electrons that encircle the atomic nucleus; these dynamics dominate the method atoms and molecules act together with their atmosphere.
      Condensed-matter physics is the study of material in their solid state. This consist of the analysis of both crystalline solids in which the atoms are situated on a repeating three-dimensional lattice, such as rhombus, and shapeless resources in which atomic arrangement is more asymmetrical, similar to  glass.
      Quantum physics is the study of substance and power at its most essential level. A innermost precept of quantum physics is that energy comes in indivisible envelope called quanta. Quanta perform extremely in a different way to macroscopic matter, particles can behave similar to waves, and waves act as though they are particles.
Optical physics is the study of the fundamental possessions of light and its dealings with matter. This includes traditional optical phenomena such as reflection, refraction, diffraction and interference, and also studying the quantum mechanical properties of individual envelopes of lights known as photons.
·        Concave
·        Vertex
·        convex lens
·        principle axis
·        center of curvature

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